Discernment & Dialogue, the Application Process

Are you considering applying to Marianist PULSE? What does the process look and feel like? Are you curious how PULSE volunteers are vetted and selected? 

Check out a glimpse of the process and our intentionality below.

The Application, Due January 17
The application is structured as a reflection. Discerning a year of service, particularly one rooted in the Marianist charism, is an opportunity to be attentive to where the Spirit is calling you. Our application seeks to gather your energy around key aspects of our program like servant leadership formation, living in an intentional community, serving alongside those on the margin, and much more.  

The application includes three reference forms. A national committee gathers and reviews applications, facilitates interviews, and recommends Marianist PULSE volunteers for interviews with non-profits. The application is a part of the discernment journey, for you and us.

Interviews, February 2018
From far and wide, interviews are generally offered both in person and virtually. With a national selection committee, we aim to have one committee member present in person with the applicant and one committee member present electronically.  Interviews offer the committee additional time to get to know you better and capture your desire to participate in Marianist PULSE. This dialogue is important and more than two sided. You also get to walk with us, feeling out our approach to engaging with the world and supporting young adults on the path.

Meeting Our Partners, March 2018
Following the review of the application committee, invitations are extended to selected applicants to speak with three of our non-profit partners to determine placement compatibility. Applicants get to review our open job descriptions and identify the three organizations they would like to meet. These phone conversations help applicants learn the mission of the organization and the vision of the position. The next step requires that both applicants and non-profits rank placement options based on compatibility.

Movement of the Spirit
Final placements are offered by March 27, 2018 so selected applicants would know their full offer, including non-profit placement for 2018-2019.  The alignment of interests, energy, needs and gifts intersect through the gentle guidance of the Spirit.

Confirmation of a commitment to Marianist PULSE 3 is sought by April 6, 2018 at the latest. MP3 will travel from near and far to meet in Dayton, Ohio for Orientation Retreat beginning on July 29, 2018. 

Have a Marianist heart? Join us on the journey of discernment and dialogue. Take the next step and request an application, simply fill out this short Google form!

To learn more about the application process, connect with us at PULSE@marianist.us If your stage of life is not well suited for such an experience, we invite your prayers to join those of the Marianist Family for young adults seeking where God might be nudging them, inviting their gifts be offered for the common good.


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