Community & Collaboration: Our Present & Future Depend on it!
PULSE welcomes back guest blogger Brian Reavey, Director of the Office for Justice, Peace & Integrity of Creation for the Marianist Province of the U.S. We asked Brian to reflect on how far PULSE has come since the first spark of an idea for a new Marianist volunteer program. He generously shares with us here:
If someone told me five years ago, when Marianist PULSE was just a mere idea three Brothers were dreaming up, that PULSE would occupy two community houses in East and West Dayton (with one of those homes donated to the program by a neighbor), serve ten non-profits, impact twenty-one young adult volunteers and log an estimated 30,000+ hours serving 15,000+ people throughout the city since its inception, I would have thought they were legitimately crazy. But I guess I'm the crazy one, for who am I to doubt God's abundant goodness and possibility?
MP3 with the PULSE Staff Team |
All three branches of the Marianist family influence PULSE in unique ways, and we're all better for it. The intentional spiritual and practical collaboration invites all of us to create a profound impact on those we serve, as well as one another. The formators, mentors, spiritual directors, community partners, advisory board members, neighbors, friends and families are the heart of PULSE. I remain in consistent awe by the generosity shown from the PULSE volunteers and countless Brothers, Sisters and lay people sharing their time, talent and treasure to make it the life-changing program its become. Once again I was brought to tears during the MP3 Commissioning Mass in August, witnessing first-hand the care and concern our Marianist family has for PULSE, in addition to the faithfulness of our volunteers committing one or two years to service and community.
We’re all continually learning from each other and being formed within and by one
another. Our PULSE Coordinator, Maureen O'Rourke, is a perfect example of this as her daily actions and commitment to the program enliven everything and everyone she touches. Maureen's servant leadership reflects the peace and simplicity Chaminade spoke of so perfectly. With formation at the center, PULSE has evolved and grown because all three branches are successfully working together to make a collective impact in Dayton and beyond. We're better when we're together and we need each other; our present and future depend on it.
We’re all continually learning from each other and being formed within and by one
another. Our PULSE Coordinator, Maureen O'Rourke, is a perfect example of this as her daily actions and commitment to the program enliven everything and everyone she touches. Maureen's servant leadership reflects the peace and simplicity Chaminade spoke of so perfectly. With formation at the center, PULSE has evolved and grown because all three branches are successfully working together to make a collective impact in Dayton and beyond. We're better when we're together and we need each other; our present and future depend on it.
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