PULSE Partners - Empowering Children with Hope and Opportunity (ECHO)

The first non-profit partner post of 2019 comes from Amy Theodor of the ECHO program. We welcome Amy as she describes the work of ECHO and the impact that Pono, their current PULSE volunteer, has had on their work in partnering with local Catholic schools. Amy is a mental health professional with experience counseling in community mental health, juvenile detention, Hospice, and private practice.

The Empowering Children with Hope and Opportunity program (ECHO) is a partnership between the University of Dayton Center for Education and local Catholic schools. The primary goal of our licensed counselors and social workers is to establish and support a healthy learning environment in each classroom so that children are unencumbered by the stresses of everyday life and are able to focus and learn. We envision positive outcomes for students and families through counseling, social and emotional skills enhancement, professional development, social services to provide basic needs, 8th grade retreats, and a Peacemaker student leadership service group.
Serving up food at a Peacemaker event

It has been a blessing to have Pono serve ECHO through his Marianist PULSE placement.  Pono has been a wonderful addition to our team and infuses the Aloha Spirit into all the wonderful work he does with our organization. Pono has used his creativity and ingenuity for developing, organizing, and presiding over the fall 8th grade retreat and Peacemaker events. The Peacemaker International Day of Peace event was created by Pono with an Aloha Spirit theme, which guided all the activities and motivated the students. Pono assists with teacher professional development events by preparing materials and attending to help as needed. Pono facilitates the Top Dog student recognition program at Mother Brunner Catholic school, communicating with school staff, creating certificates, assisting with Mass, and writing narratives about each student. He also assists our family advocate with coordinating family engagement events and assisting with our Giving Angels Christmas outreach program.

We are fortunate and excited to have Pono as part of our ECHO family this year in all the various capacities he serves. We look forward to discovering how his resourcefulness, enthusiasm, and positive energy will continue to enhance our program and complement our mission.

In solidarity,

For information on how to become a non-profit partner with PULSE, please see our web page or email us at PULSE@Marianist.us.

We are always happy to welcome conversations with non-profit organizations serving people who are marginalized, or those advocating for a social need or environmental stewardship. 


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